Saturday, September 25, 2010

Puzzle Pieces, Pictures, and Places

Sister Tamera Mahaney, from Big Springs, TX, gave her testimony to us during Ladies Retreat.  And oh, what a blessing it was.  She talked about how our lives were made up of puzzle pieces.  Our life is one big puzzle that when it is put together correctly it is beautiful beyond what we can imagine.  The problem is we try to put the pieces together ourselves.  We think the piece fits, it looks right, the colors right, it has the right type of shape but when we try to put it in it just doesn't fit right.  Sometimes we forces it in and then when we stand back and look at the picture we see its just not right.  So then how did we get the right pieces in correctly?  Well, God is the artist of our lives.  He know just where each piece goes.  When we go to Him and ask for His help He guides our hand to put the piece in just right.  Then we see the true beauty of the picture.  We can think we are happy because we have all we desire but never be truly happy.  Sometimes He has to tear down the whole puzzle to put it back together correctly.  He may move us to a new house or a new city.  He may allow things to be taken from us that we don't feel we can live without.  He may put people in our lives that we love so much and then allow them to be taken out of our lives.  But when we trust in Him and allow Him to be the artist in our lives the final pictures is more amazing than we can imagine.  Thank you Jesus for being the artist of our lives!